Four Fascinating Topics Not To Be Overlooked

            If you’re like me, you often have a difficult time deciding what to write about. It’s not, as many suppose, that there’s nothing to write about but rather that there are too many subjects. Turns out, the world is a fascinating place.

            I used my last article to mark five years so my personal backlog of subjects I wanted to shine a light on is greater than usual. Instead of focusing on a single topic for the space of this column, I’ve picked four to address briefly. These are all things that have popped up over the past few weeks that have set off the bells in my head. Some for more positive reasons than others.

1.      Did everyone see that a two female California Condors reproduced without male involvement? Not that these two females got together and somehow made one baby, they independently had offspring without male contributions. The offspring showed no DNA in relation to the male Condors the females had access to.

            What’s more, these females had mated traditionally before and after these virgin births but used this unique method in between copulation sessions. This kind of asexual reproduction is called facultative parthenogenesis and is actually not that uncommon in some species of lizards and sharks.

            Some researchers think parthenogenesis might be a desperation move brought on by the threat of extinction. California Condors only number in the low hundreds, up from 22 in the early 1980s. Whatever the cause, apparently females do not need men to reproduce. Imagine if human females had this option.

2.      This next topic has gotten some coverage, so I won’t belabor the point much but if you don’t know about Bell Bowl Prairie, I’d read up on it. It’s a beautiful and unique patch of prairie in Rockford. Bell Bowl is home to several threatened and endangered species of animals and plants (yes, plants can be endangered too). It represents the type of original, untouched prairie our Prairie State was named for. The type of prairie that, in Illinois, is down to less than 0.01% of its original size.

            Bell Bowl also happens to be right next to the Rockford International Airport. The airport wants to expand directly through the prairie. Oddly, in the decades sine the airport was built, it has repeatedly pushed against the borders of the prairie. There was an agreement of preservation and cooperation in place, but the airport has disavowed it. You can read more and find out how to help at

3.      If you don’t know what “Let’s Go Brandon” means, consider yourself lucky. If you do know what it means and have been using it, especially if you’re an elected official, congratulations on your very clever subterfuge. I have one question. What are you, 12? You’re adults. You’re allowed to say the naughty words. We know what it means. Just say it. There are legitimate reasons to say it. But don’t hide like a child saying “fudge” pretending that’s somehow more innocent.

4.      Briefly, as I write this the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict just came in. I don’t want to get into the obvious racism and broken judicial system, but once again, I have questions. When will we start arming our EMS personnel? Since an assault rifle appears to be a necessary part of a first aid kit, are we going to remodel our ambulances to include gun racks? Should my first aid merit badge have required a marksmanship test? All I know is it would be difficult to feel threatened if someone stole your bandages, gauze or other standard first aid kit equipment.



Simple Words for Big Ideas


Five Years Later