You Can’t Help The Community From Behind A Gate

     If you’re like me, you were a bit confused by the article last Thursday detailing the proposed gated community near Krape Park. The article itself was clear and fine. However, the arguments for the community that the article outlined are what have me scratching my head. A gated community, designed to cater to those 55 and over and economically comfortable, seems like an odd way to address the issues claimed.

     Already, I might have confused some of you by referring to the target audience as “economically comfortable.” The project isn’t claiming to be targeting wealthy or near wealthy people, but it’s a gated community of townhomes near picturesque scenery. The developers also emphasized the location being across the street from the golf course. That’s not to suggest playing golf and living in gated communities is only for the wealthy, but they aren’t typical for those living paycheck to paycheck, like a large number of families in this community.

     According to the article, that’s part of the point. The advantage to this higher end development is that it would put “long-term tax revenue into the local taxing districts for many years.” Apparently, the city’s budget depends on this small group of above-average income homes. Last time I checked, the neighborhood in question wasn’t exactly the impoverished part of town, but that’s a valid point. Even outside of taxes, if we attract more individuals with disposable income, that’s a plus for the civic coffers.  

     That is of course assuming that those individuals are spending their disposable income in town and not driving to Monroe for shoes, Rockford for furniture, and Galena for food. That never happens though so it’s probably silly for me to mention.

     Take that long-term revenue, add the short-term jobs created by the construction, and the estimated $6.4 million price tag might seem worth it. It might even seem worth the construction of new roads, curbs, water and sewer lines, and a walking path to the park. This construction, keep in mind, will take place along the narrow park road as families that don’t live within walking distance try to use the park amenities.

     There are already houses and neighborhoods in the area, so this development isn’t without precedent. Part of the appeal of such a neighborhood though, is the serenity. It’s in the woods, set apart from the main thoroughfares. Even if you don’t live there, going to the park is about peace and quiet. I’m sure the traffic of 16 new duplexes won’t impact that at all. 

     One of the big reasons given for the development is that it adheres to Freeport’s 2020 Comprehensive Plan which found that many of the existent homes in town are big and old and therefore too expensive to be maintained. This development seeks to create quality housing that might help to stem the population decline of Freeport.

But If you can’t afford to maintain a house already here, you aren’t likely to be able to afford to live in a gated community.  

According to last Thursday’s article, Park Partners, the development group, isn’t a long-term outfit. It’s a one-off and they simply want to see “the vacant land developed to improve the community.” The question that jumps to my mind is: what do they mean by community?

Freeport is moving families out of the floodplain and demolishing those houses. Will this development help that community? Downtown business and homes are vacant and crumbling. Will 16 duplexes help that community? Developer attention and resources should build up the communities that are suffering, not put a gate around communities that are already comfortable.


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